Dealership Compliance

Federal Laws Impacting Auto Dealers

Sometimes there is no substitute for reading the actual text of the law. For those times, or when you need some light bed time reading I’ve compiled this selection of the most important federal laws impacting auto dealers.

Dealership Compliance

Truth in Lending – Dealer Advertisements

According to the Federal Reserve Board an advertisement is any “commercial message in any medium that promotes, directly, or indirectly, a credit transaction.” As you can see they have a pretty broad definition of advertisement. Telephone solicitations, internet messages, and price tags with credit information are among the more surprising forms of “advertisements” listed by the Federal Reserve Board.

Dealership Compliance

Dealership Advertising in General

Any marketer worth his salt will tell you that clarity is of the utmost importance in advertising. An unclear ad may fail to convey your intended message and waste precious capital. But state and federal prohibitions on deceptive or unfair trade practices provide an even more compelling reason for clarity – hefty fines!